Everyday Mission: Forgiving Sins in Christ's Name
We have a mission from Jesus and it is his same mission done through us. The mission of Jesus, done with the same power from Jesus- to give sinners the healing they desperately need.
Jesus's kingdom operates on principles that often seem paradoxical to our worldly minds. Life springs from death, righteousness comes through faith rather than works, and we trust in unseen realities and ancient promises
You Need A Preacher
The cleanliness you and I need comes from outside of us. It's an "alien" cleanliness, from a source outside of us, and it’s delivered to us through Jesus' spoken word.
The Gracious Gift of… Sin?!?!
I remember hearing the great Steve Brown say, “Your sin might be the greatest gift God ever gave you” and thinking “I think the nicotine has gotten to his brain.” Later on, however, these woulds would make a lot of sense to me.
When "Enough" Isn't Enough: The Philip Problem
There is no more than Christ. He’s the whole thing. God’s compassion for sinners seen in the person of Christ and his redemption of them, is indeed who God is. That is indeed the glory of God.
The Direction-less Gospel
Thomas is thinking religion, Jesus is speaking promise. Thomas is thinking “do”, Jesus is speaking “done”.
The Enduring Love of Christ: A Refuge for Sinners
When it says “He loved them to the end” it means more than simply- He loved them for his entire life. It means His love ran its full course. His love went all the way to the end, it was effective; it accomplished all it needed to accomplish.