Everyday Mission: Forgiving Sins in Christ's Name
Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” John 20:21
This text is a favorite of our friends in the missional camp, and for good reason! Its a declaration from the mouth of Jesus that the church is sent by Jesus with a mission just as Jesus was sent with a mission by the Father. I have learned a lot from the missional folks and am so grateful for their focus on the love of Christ and his mission to save the lost.
As we continue reading in John 20 Jesus is going to give us the content of that mission, which is of the utmost importance. Continuing to verse 22, we read-
And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.
That is the source of power for the mission- the very Spirit in Christ, the third person of the trinity, the Holy Spirit. More than merely a power, this is the very presence of God in his people.
We have a mission, its lead and powered by the Holy Spirit in us… got it! So what do we do on this mission? Feed the poor? Help the sick? Mow our neighbors lawn?
All those are wonderful and do as many of those as often as you can, after all your neighbor needs them! But when we consider what Jesus was sent for, while it may have included those (except for the grass mowing… was there grass in ancient Israel??) the central work of the mission of Christ is stated clearly in verse 23-
“If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld.”
Now that sounds like something only God can do. Which is why just before he says this he gives them God the Holy Spirit..
The mission of Jesus was the forgiveness of sins. Think about the interactions Jesus had with the many sick, diseased, and crippled. Didn't he seem most concerned with forgiving their sins? He wasn't merely proving he was God, he was giving the true healing these people needed. This was his mission in coming to earth, to forgive the sins of the people.
We, as the church, are here to do the same. We have a mission from Jesus and it is his same mission done through us. The mission of Jesus, done with the same power from Jesus- to give sinners the healing they desperately need.
When your family member, friend, neighbor, barber, or barista is sharing with you their guilt or shame around something they’ve done, embark on the mission of Jesus! Use that Holy Spirit power you were given and forgive their sins! Set them free! Let the compassion in your heart give rise to their freedom from guilt and shame. Simply say to them “Do you want to be forgiven of that?” and when they respond “Absolutely!” say to them “On account of Christ who died for the sins of the world, your sin is forgiven-” and then celebrate!
There is a reason the church's liturgy contains a weekly confession of sins and assurance of pardon (or absolution). We desperately need it! It is, after all, the mission of the church to deliver it! So, no matter what, the first day of the week you’ll start knowing the truth that all the past week's sins (and next weeks too!) are completely forgiven. You come in burdened and hiding in shame, you leave free and reminded of God’s eternal love for you in Christ. This love is a union that nothing- no amount of sinning- can take from you. Why? Because Jesus buried your sins in a tomb a long time ago. Today, just like everyday, you get to receive the mission of Jesus and hear the greatest news you’ll ever hear- “Your sins are forgiven!” Hallelujah. Amen.