The Enduring Love of Christ: A Refuge for Sinners
John 13:1: "Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end."
Few statements are as powerful as, "...having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end." Imagine Jesus saying that about you—that His love for you is constant and unwavering, just as it was for the disciples gathered at that Passover. He loved you all the way to the cross, and it is this persistent love that secured your redemption. "He loved them to the end" signifies more than just a lifelong affection. It means His love ran its full course, accomplishing its purpose. His love meant their salvation, and it means ours. The grave couldn't contain it. Nothing can prevent Him from securing the glorious future He has planned for us—a future of unbroken union with Him in His presence forever. And just as He loved those disciples despite their failings, He loves us through our sin and unbelief. As Milton Vincent so eloquently put it in his Gospel Primer, even in the midst of our sin, Jesus is "all the while, maintaining our justified status."
Consider the disciples. What qualities did they possess that merited Christ's continued love? Unwavering trust? Superb witness? A faith worthy of reward? Hardly. They vacillated between misunderstanding and outright opposition to Christ and His mission. Where, then, did their hope lie? In their own faith? Could they boast of a steadfast belief, untouched by doubt? Could they confidently declare, "Even amidst hardship and confusion, I never doubted Jesus would be our savior!"? Were they the paragons of faith who stood firm when others faltered? If you’ve ever read the gospels you know the answer-“Absolutely not!”
They were a group of confused, stumbling, disbelieving individuals. And for those of us who identify with that description (and that includes you and me), there is good news. If we seek assurance and hope amidst our anxieties and doubts, we must not look inward. Instead, we must look to the One who, "loving you, loved you to the end." We must look to the One whose love has never wavered, the One who always obeyed His Father, the One who never gave us what we deserved. Jesus didn't respond to us based on what He received from us. Instead, He offered love, compassion, and, most importantly, redemption—a gift we neither asked for nor earned.
Dear sinner, your hope today does not rest on the strength of your faith (which ebbs and flows like the tide) or on the fruit of your spiritual life. Your hope is anchored in the unwavering love of Christ—a "one-way love" directed toward you, a love He refuses to withdraw. His love will complete its work. He will love you to the end. Receive that love anew today; embrace it in all its fullness. Hallelujah! Amen.